The Hong Kong Greater China SME Alliance Association anticipates in the promotion of the future economic development of the small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong, in coordinate with the promotion by the Government in the Sino-HK development direction in the Greater Bay Area, actively liaising with the industrial and commercial organizations throughout Mainland China for the purpose of mutual exchange of technologies, providing a wilder vision and developing a co-operation relationship for the creation of collaborative business opportunities. In recent years, there are repeated results by virtue of the promotion in the mutual co-operation amongst the small and medium enterprises and assisting in the career development, to continue to seek more co-operation opportunities by taking advantage of the complimentary resources in both China and Hong Kong and to explore the development ideas between the small and medium enterprises in both China and Hong Kong.
中港環保企業有限公司 - 董事總經理
大灣區絲路投資控股有限公司 - 高級投資顧問
LINKING D&D Co. LTD. - 高級顧問
香港大中華中小企業商會 - 創會會長
東莞清溪港商會 - 創會副會長
香港中小企業聯盟 - 創會副會長 , 現任秘書長
觀塘區少年警訊 2007至2009 - 名譽會長
馬來西亞莞商聯合會 - 榮譽顧問
香港荃灣工商業聯合會 - 永遠會長
Linking D&D Co., Ltd. was established in Hong Kong in 1985. Our major business is including fitting out works, office and shop decoration, painting works and A&A works. Our company has ample experience on the large-scale works, such as the decoration and interior design of shopping mall, club house, domestic flat fitting out works.
Rayland Industrial Company LimitedSeasonal Halloween
Rayland has been established since 1997, more than 25 years. We have an integrated design, product & distribution system along with our development. We provide a wide range of festival items such as Halloween, Christmas, Valentine, Father's & Mother's Day, Easter, Party items & Summer toys, etc…. Under our company policy, the products should have good quality & competitive price and satisfy the customer’s request.
永貿成立於 1975 年,被公認為膠囊玩具、贈品和特許產品的領先製造商之一。以香港和上海為基地的強大研發資源,加上位於東莞110,000 平方米的自置環保生產廠房,每年可產生 3.78 mwp 太陽能清潔能源。永貿提供從概念開始至售後服務的高質素一站式OEM 及 ODM產品,同時亦提供極大靈活性及為客人度身定造的貼心解決方案,以滿足每位客人的要求。
我們的產品遍佈世界各地,包括中國國內銷售,而我司的授權產品包括迪士尼、三麗鷗等全球知名資產……。除了製造業方面,從16年前開始,永貿集團亦開始了多元化發展, 包括中國內銷業務。因此,無論您是在尋找製造方面的合作夥伴還是中國國內分銷渠道,永貿集團都是您的不二之選。
Established in 1975, Wing Mau has been recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of capsule toys, premiums and licensed products. Strong R&D resources based in HK & Shanghai coupled with self-owned 110,000 sqm eco-friendly production plant with solar paneling generating 3.78 mwp clean energy yearly in Dongguan, Wing Mau offers one-stop service of high quality OEM and ODM manufacture starting from concept generation to after sales service. Great flexibility & tailor-made solutions to meet each client’s requirements are our advantages. Our products are distributed world-wide including China domestic sales whereas our licensed products encompass globally-renowned properties from Disney, Sanrio and much more ……. Apart from manufacturing, starting from 16 years back, Wing Mau Group has also diversified to operate domestic sales within China. So, no matter you’re looking for a manufacturing partner or a doorway to China domestic distribution, Wing Mau Group will certainly be your answer.
Build Trading Online
本集團經營範圍可說得上是從High-tech至 Low-tech。
我們從不需要直接接觸客戶便可以達成銷售的的網購業務,和全球定位可追蹤式 Qrcode,以致到必須親自拿貨版給客戶去接觸和感受韓國進口真牛皮革, 這都是本集團經營的從新經營至舊經濟的領域。
除此之外,我們集團還經營進出口日本零食、美妝、酒類,在日本我們已經開設辦事處;我們也為客戶構建網購平台;還有是舉辦線上電子商貿課程和線上期貨投資課程。 如果有興趣深入瞭解,請直接聯絡我們行政總裁 Kenny Leung。
Nest Solution HK Ltd
The business scope of the Group can be said to be from High-tech to Low-tech.
We never need to directly contact customers to achieve sales online shopping business, and global positioning traceable Qrcode, so that we have to personally take the goods to customers to touch and feel the real cow leather imported from Korea. This is all operated by the group. From new economy to old economy areas.
In addition, our group is also engaged in the import and export of Japanese snacks, cosmetics, and alcohol. We have opened an office in Japan; we also build an online shopping platform for customers; we also hold online e-commerce courses and online futures investment courses. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our CEO Kenny Leung directly.
-兒童4歲開始使用產品每天11 種維生素及鈣 營養素
少年 青年 中老年、每日基楚需要攝取營養素、
酵素、纖維、益生菌、微量元素、擴氧化、維他命B 群、礦物質原素、鋅、鈣+D3 鎂、鐵、銅、胳、等。
-保護心腦血管、Omega3 +Q10
本公司與《著名音樂實踏家學院、Sing and you & Say Music 機構合作》開拓全球市埸、兒童學唱歌班、成年人學唱歌班、及個人一對一教學、及全球綱上平台教學、唱歌及聲樂班、企業及團體、團隊合作精神以唱歌溶入團隊文化精神培訓等。
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