專業PP片材產品生產 - 專業專心專重您


我們主力生產PP塑膠片材,及以環保循環再用物料生產的PP膠片, 產能可達5000噸/年。同時亦有生產與PP片材相關的製品,部分產品更是我們公司自行設計及創造。



2)文具:文件夾,檔案夾,文件盒,手挽盒 ,文件隔頁,書托,滑鼠墊等

3)包裝:包裝盒,手挽袋, 禮物盒,掛牌掛條等

4)家品:餐墊,鞋盒,儲物盒, 摺合式旅行餐具等

5)宣傳用品及精品:膠扇,杯墊,口罩套, 卡片連手機座,文件夾連袋2合1等




KN Development Company is a long-established Hong Kong company and the factory is at Dongguang focused on the production of PP sheet (5000 ton per year) and related products. Also with extensive experience in the design of self branded products and produce recycle PP sheet.

Our product ranges are~

1)PP sheet : general pp sheet, fire-retardant sheet, anti-static sheet, recycle PP sheet...

2)PP stationary : file, folder, document-box, hanger box, index, book stand, mouse pad, file-bag 2 in 1...

3)PP packaging : box, bag, gift box, handtag...

4)PP houseware:placemat, shoe boxes,storage boxs , folding tableware... 

5)PP promotion product:file-bag 2 in 1, namecard with mobilestand, handfan, coaster...

6)Other:Virus prevention screen, mask holder...

We are dedicated to the design and making of products by PP sheets. And, we provide professional advice on product development and enhancement to our customers.



Shek Kwok Ngai