
總共 85 會員


  • 陳英傑Chan Ying Kit
  • 名譽會長
  • 董事
  • 醫療保健, 專業、科學及技術服務, IT


公司成立始於1986年,主要從事自動化生產線開發,機械人應用,也有網頁開發,APP 制作,近年也開發了智能家居系列,也是美國太空總署和美國國防部一系列的殺菌防疫防虫產品的香港和澳門代理。


  • 陳熾光Chan Chi Kwong
  • 名譽會長
  • 董事總經理
  • 批發業, 電子商貿

立足香港, 聯通全球, 服務世界

山鳴數碼有限公司在1992年創立,致力打造經營專業產品项目國際商貿平台。多年來,公司一直維持優良信譽, 累積豐厚的人脈和渠道資源,營銷遍佈全球數十個國家, 跟超過1000家知名商戶建立了合作伙伴關系。專營產品項目以全球通用名牌子打印機、影印機(包括消耗品)為主;近年推展至消費性電子產品,生活百貨及寵物用品等項目。以進出口、轉口,批發, 零售及電子商貿(跨境電商和香港網銷)的模式經營。


經營宗旨: 我們專注於為客戶提供合時,有價格優勢的商品,確保名牌產品原裝正品原包裝,杜絕銷售假偽及沒有合法來源的商品,以保障客戶及公司利益。

Founded in 1992, Hillsound Digital Co., Ltd. is committed to building an international business platform for specialized products. Over the years, the company has maintained a good reputation, accumulated rich network and channel resources, marketing in dozens of countries around the world, and established partnerships with more than 1,000 well-known merchants. The specialized product items are mainly printers and photocopiers (including consumables) of global general brands; in recent years, they have been extended to consumer electronics products, daily necessities and pet products. It operates in the mode of import and export, re-export, wholesale, retail and e-commerce (cross-border e-commerce and Hong Kong online sales).

Hillsound has perfect operating conditions: centered in Hong Kong, it also sets up agencies in China, Japan, and Singapore to operate as a whole. We have a diversified business network covering the world, sufficient working capital, fast logistics and distribution, and flexible and effective corporate management.

Business purpose: We focus on providing customers with timely and competitively priced products, ensuring the original packaging of famous brand products, and eliminating the sale of counterfeit and non-legal source products to protect the interests of customers and the company.


KBJ Beauty Life Global Ltd
  • 吳珊娜Zuzanna Ng
  • 名譽會長
  • 董事長
  • 批發業, 醫療保健, 零售業






-兒童4歲開始使用產品每天11 種維生素及鈣 營養素

少年 青年 中老年、每日基楚需要攝取營養素、

酵素、纖維、益生菌、微量元素、擴氧化、維他命B 群、礦物質原素、鋅、鈣+D3 鎂、鐵、銅、胳、等。

-保護心腦血管、Omega3 +Q10















本公司與《著名音樂實踏家學院、Sing and you & Say Music 機構合作》開拓全球市埸、兒童學唱歌班、成年人學唱歌班、及個人一對一教學、及全球綱上平台教學、唱歌及聲樂班、企業及團體、團隊合作精神以唱歌溶入團隊文化精神培訓等。



Nest Solution HK Ltd
  • 梁志強Kenny Leung
  • 名譽會長
  • President
  • 批發業, 藝術, 專業、科學及技術服務, 電子商貿, IT, 教育

Build Trading Online



本集團經營範圍可說得上是從High-tech至 Low-tech。


我們從不需要直接接觸客戶便可以達成銷售的的網購業務,和全球定位可追蹤式 Qrcode,以致到必須親自拿貨版給客戶去接觸和感受韓國進口真牛皮革, 這都是本集團經營的從新經營至舊經濟的領域。


除此之外,我們集團還經營進出口日本零食、美妝、酒類,在日本我們已經開設辦事處;我們也為客戶構建網購平台;還有是舉辦線上電子商貿課程和線上期貨投資課程。 如果有興趣深入瞭解,請直接聯絡我們行政總裁 Kenny Leung。

Nest Solution HK Ltd

The business scope of the Group can be said to be from High-tech to Low-tech.

We never need to directly contact customers to achieve sales online shopping business, and global positioning traceable Qrcode, so that we have to personally take the goods to customers to touch and feel the real cow leather imported from Korea. This is all operated by the group. From new economy to old economy areas.

In addition, our group is also engaged in the import and export of Japanese snacks, cosmetics, and alcohol. We have opened an office in Japan; we also build an online shopping platform for customers; we also hold online e-commerce courses and online futures investment courses. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our CEO Kenny Leung directly.



New Town Medical & Dental Services Limited
  • 劉林美芳Lam Mei Fong Margaret
  • 名譽會長
  • 執行董事
  • 醫療保健



其中位於尖沙咀的專科醫療中心,更於2022年獲得由衛生署發出的「日間醫療中心」牌照 (私營醫療機構號碼:DP000275),市民毋需住院亦可獲得簡便又安全的腸胃內窺鏡檢查服務,過程由外科或腸胃專科醫生進行,中心同時亦可進行小型手術,確保病人於安全措施下接受適當治療。




Samuel Leung
  • 梁健流Samuel Leung
  • 名譽會長
  • 董事長/榮譽管理博士
  • 裝修、工程


同發號這名字對一般市民來說可能有點陌生,事實早在1950年創立的同發號早已在建築業界享負盛名,很多人都會在日常生活使用到同發號在世界各地進口的不同建築裝飾五金如門鉸、門控氣鼓、鎖體鎖芯、水平把手、把手、自動門及酒店門鎖系統等, 我們的主要客戶對象都是建築師和設計師,基於建築物及消防條例,為他們提供細緻的建築裝飾五金及配套、針對不同項目度身訂造整體硬件使用方案,及建築逃生安全系統和相關子系統的高品質專案服務。我們銷售的主要是門部產品,為客戶提供由建築外殼至室內的建築裝飾五金、自動門、門禁及博物館展示系統,合作的建築項目亦很廣泛,如酒店、醫院、學校、政府大樓甚至監獄,因為主要是B2B業務,一般市民未必認識我們,但大部分人都應該有使用過我們的產品。

手機在今時今日已是每個人不可或缺的東西。可有想像過手機可以代替門匙,而保安程度可以媲美網上銀行系統呢?同發號最新引入的奧地利EVVA AirKey系統,可憑手機,利用互聯網絡傳送門匙,系統更附設手機應用程式協助管理,簡單如家居以至辦公室、學校宿舍甚至酒店,系統都可以全面配合,安全度極高。



  • 莊瀚宏
  • 理事
  • 董事
  • 會計


  • 周煜林
  • 理事
  • Publisher
  • 出版、傳播

Merry Mary Limited

  • 葉文熙Smith Ip Man Hei, Mary
  • 理事
  • Director
  • 休閒服務業

創意生活 美學 優質退休生活 品味生活

創意品味生活:藝術 時裝 旅遊 身心靈 財務策劃 興趣工作坊 

歡迎不同年齡人士參加 與別不同的活動 體驗個中樂趣 同時提升個人品味


  • 黃國康Patrick Wong
  • 理事
  • 董事
  • 會計

Bridging U & Success

Aoba Business Consulting Limited is a business advisory company in Hong Kong.  Within the same group, Aoba CPA Limited is a reputable CPA firm located in Wanchai, Hong Kong.  We are a part of the Aoba Hopkins Group which consists of CPA firms and full service consulting firms located in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Beijing that has been providing quality and efficient professional services to our valued clients at home and aboard over 33 years.

We are an authorized employer under the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and are registered as an accredited employer under the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK).  We have approximately 70 staff working in our Hong Kong office and 60 staff working in our Mainland offices.

Our professional team includes experienced CPAs, CTAs and lawyers from Hong Kong, Mainland China, as well as Japan.  All of our team managers have over a decade of professional work experience in the area.

With a strong team of professional staff in Aoba, we deliver a comprehensive range of services to our valued clients, including but not limited to accounting, audit and assurance, taxation and business consulting services, as well as tailor-made projects on IPO, due diligence, liquidation, merger and acquisition, transfer pricing analysis, legal and tax advices.

Our clients include local and foreign invested companies from all walks of industry, such as manufacturing, retails and trading, logistics, construction, money lending and so forth.  With a good reputation among Japanese enterprises, we have provided high quality professional services to over 500 Japanese invested companies.

Furthermore, we are a member firm of PrimeGlobal, one of the 5 largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world, comprised of approximately 300 successful independent public accounting firms in over 80 countries.  PrimeGlobal provides us a powerful pipeline to build relationships with overseas member firms for sharing ideas and business opportunities.  The CEO of our firm is on the board and events committee of PrimeGlobal Asia Pacific Region.

總共 85 筆紀錄,顯示 11 至 20 筆